[:it]Se state pensando di ridurre il consumo di carne, se siete vegani, o se semplicemente volete introdurre nel vostro menu piatti nuovi a base di verdure, in questa rivista troverete tutto ciò che vi serve per avvicinarvi al veganesimo in modo informato e consapevole, con tante ricette buone e 100% vegetali.[:en]If you are thinking of reducing your meat intake, if you are vegan, or if you just want to introduce more vegetables into your diet, in this magazine you will find everything you need for an informed approcah to veganism, with many tasty, 100% vegetable recipes.[:de]If you are thinking of reducing your meat intake, if you are vegan, or if you just want to introduce more vegetables into your diet, in this magazine you will find everything you need for an informed approcah to veganism, with many tasty, 100% vegetable recipes.[:]

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